Project Insecurities

pexels-photo-110876.jpegSo, I’m a crocheter, knitter and loom knitter. I don’t know if any of you yarn enthusiasts are reading, but I’m always afraid to use whatever I make. I think it’ll break, or my yarn ends weren’t sewn in well enough and then my whole project that I’ve worked so hard on, will start to unravel. I’m not sure if you guys have the same problems or not, but it’s weird. I usually give my crocheted or knitting projects to friends and family, and inside my mind I’m always thinking “I hope this lasts. Please don’t unravel, please don’t unravel, please don’t unravel.” Ha, ha, it’s my crazy inner perfectionist I think. I know it will hold up and it can be washed, and used and it shouldn’t unravel…but will it? I just don’t really know because I haven’t washed any of my projects yet except for some scrubby washcloths which already hold up pretty nice. So, who knows? Who knows how my friends or family use the projects that I make? Or if they use them at all…

And yes, I do have my perfection insecurities like all people. And sometimes…I mean all the time it bugs me when something isn’t right or perfect looking. But I have to look past that because the more I practice, the better and better I’ll become. Like for instance, I’m making cabled pillows for a friend and the pillow covers are a little too big and the corners are a little wonky, but these are my first pillows I’ve ever made with crochet. So, they are not going to be perfect. I just have to move on and know, that they’ll be better when I make them again. I’ll put them on a post later as they aren’t finished yet, so don’t worry. You’ll get to see them 🙂

Thanks again for reading and to all of you who have projects that are not perfect: it’s okay, you’ll do better next time. Just keep crocheting or knitting! Listen to Dory on “Finding Nemo”…and keep repeating this phrase, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.”