Cowboy Style

Hi everyone,

It’s giddy-up time. I recently crocheted a baby cowboy hat that I made for a baby shower…it was the second cowboy hat I made, yet they are both adorable. I got the pattern from Ravelry and I’ll link it down below. I’ve also been experimenting with my makeshift photo booth. I purchased a three wing white poster board and a regular poster board from the Dollar Tree. I used a box with a white fleece fabric on top so that you couldn’t see a crease from where the boards met on the bottom. It worked out pretty great for cheap. And you could do it to!

On the left is my first cowboy hat I crocheted a couple weeks ago. For the rim, I did a single crochet twice around. On the right is my second one which I altered slightly. As you can tell, instead of doing a single crochet along the hat, I did a slip stitch around and it makes it look better, but I still like both ways. Let me know which one you guys like better whether it be the single crochet belt or slip stitch. 🙂

2018-04-27 14.58.09 (2)2018-04-27 14.51.44-2 (2)


And here are the two adorable hats together…

2018-04-27 15.00.04-1 (2)

Cowboy Hat by Mrs. H: